Tuition and Fees

Tuition Fees for the Academic Year 2025/2026 are in Jordanian Dinars







School Tuition 
KG1 - KG2 3690
Grades 1-2-3 4310
Grades 4-5 4540
Grade 6 MYP 4540
Grade 7 MYP 4750
Grade 8 MYP 4945

IB Program 

Grade 9 MYP 6760
Grade 10 MYP 6760
Grade 11 DP 9070
Grade 12 DP 9280
 National Program

Grade 9  4945
Grade 10  5260
Grade 11 Tawjihi 5470
Grade 12 Tawjihi 5750


Educational Fees
Educational fees for grades (kg-6) 100 JOD
Educational fees for grades (7-11) 150 JOD
Educational fees for grade (12) 200 JOD


  Extra Textbooks Fees
Extra books fees are added to tuition fees, including the school's own textbooks, as well as supporting books, which are taught to students in addition to the Ministry of Education curriculum, where their prices are modified on the first of August


Refundable Insurance
To be paid by new students only and is fully or partially refundable upon the student’s graduation, or transfer from the school JD 200


Application Fee (non-refundable)
To be paid at the time of the interview or the entrance exam 30 JOD
Registration fees for new student for grades (kg-9) 150 JOD
Registration fees for new student has siblings for grades (10-12) 300 JOD
Registration fees for new student for grades (10-12)
500 JOD


Transportation Fees
Students benefit from the transportation service after paying the transportation fees at the beginning of the semester, and subject to the availability of the service for the area of housing.
One way  JD 600
Two ways JD 800


Waiting Service Fees

Kindergarten Students (optional)

The service is provided for siblings of students not enrolled in the transportation service

One period until 2:15pm JD 250/year 


 Fees for Student in the Support Program

(added to the Annual Tuition)

Student accepted with a Shadow Teacher assigned by the Parent/ guardian for Grades (1-10)  JD 300
Special Program with Shadow Teacher for Grades (1-10) JD 2500
Special Program for Grades (1-10) JD 2200
Support Program for Grades (1-6) JD 600/ Subject
Support Program for Grades (7-10) JD 800/ Subject


Exams Fees for Grade 12
External Examination Fees for Tawjihi and the International Baccalaureate fees are not included in the tuition fees, and to be paid upon submission of applications for exams.


    Registration Fees

  To be paid upon acceptance for new students and in December for current students. Fees will be deducted from the first semester's payment.

Current students/Eldest sibling other current siblings 

JD 500
New Siblings of current students JD 500
New students JD 1000


Terms and Conditions:

  • Cash/ Credit Cards/ e-fawateercom to be paid in two installments: beginnings of August and December.
  • Cheques to be paid in four installments dated: 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, 1/2 to be submitted on first of August.
  • All tuition fees are payable and non-refundable in the case of student's withdrawal as of the first of August.
  • Registration fees are not refundable in case of student's withdrawal before the first of August.
  • A student is considered enrolled once the first payment of the tuition fees is settled.
  • Fees for school uniform and after school activities are paid separately.
  • Siblings Discount which is counted from the subject to siblings' discount as the following:
    • First sibling 5%
    • Second sibling 10%
    • Third sibling and more 15%